February 22, 2014

MongoCli: MongoDB + websocket + knockoutJS

Mongo-cli is a web 'swiss-knife' that I made last year, for conveniently saving any type of data from javascript, with a set of permissions R/W/Modify by person, and a notification to the group of persons concerned (allowed readers).
So it's a minimal (regarding features and complexity/size of code) Content Management System.

It's named mongo-cli  (Command Line Interface) as the way it's used as an interactive shell to MongoDB, simply from Javascript:
send({fn:'insert', args:[{a: 2, hello: 'world'}]}, console.log) 
send({fn:'find', args:[{a: 2}]}, console.log)

 - heroku nodejs (PaintChatTodos)
 - heroku java (PaintChatTodos)
 - cloudbees java

It's on github: